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Let us tell you a few things first
We are hiring!
Check out our subbed videos on EXOdictsubs

What's new?

Stream #KOKOBop ON Itunes #EXOGrandComeback2k17 Stan Kai

Givenchy lanyard $300 #sumoney

[TUTORIAL] Graphics for New Posts

There are two options to set the image size: large or extra large.


(Will update!!)
This is just a test post for the new, new theme before 2017. Currently testing:

[!!!]Posting Guidelines 2016 [EVERYONE MUST READ]

EXOdicted Posting Guidelines: 2016
These rules are active as of March 20, 2016.

Due to new updates, I feel the need to update the posting guidelines, so they’ll be accurate. Please, everyone, do your very best to follow all of these rules. If we do it right the first time, we won’t have to go back later to tidy up. Without further ado, here are the new 2016 posting rules:

Your post is broken into 4 pieces: Title, Body, Footer, and Labels.

Always try to post a complete title in the header. With the new theme, the header line needs to be filled out (at least 3-4 words).
Header tags help readers identify immediately what type of post it is before clicking. Here is the list of title tags for you to choose from. If I post contains multiple types of items, it’s okay to use more than one tag. Write it like : [ENGSUB/DOWNLOAD] or [ENG/DL].

[COMPILATION]**Forum Only**
[DISCUSSION]-Writer’s Post
[DOWNLOAD] **Forum Only**
[ENGSUB]**Forum Only**
[REVIEW]-Writer’s Post
[WEEKLY TOPICS]-Writer’s Post
[WRITER'S NOTE]-Writer’s Post
► EXOdicted's Weekly Wrap-Up ◀ - Writer’s Post

From now on, we will not be (re)posting articles from other sites. We did this in the past and have been doing it, but we can’t anymore. If you find something in the news, please do the write up yourself, and credit the source in your tags.
Post from other site (let’s pretend this is a whole article):
This week, Kai from EXO fell through the stage. There was no bad injury reported though. Sources say the accident was caused by a staff mistake.
^DON’T Copy That ^

What you should write:
This past Wednesday, fans reported that EXO member Kai had an accident while on stage. There appears to have been an un-closed opening left unattended by concert staff which Kai fell into. No serious injuries were reported.

Current Theme: 2016 Theme Header Image Post:
When the new theme is up, this will be updated.
Please post an image in your posts, if they otherwise only include text.

Posts that are ENGSUBBED/Fantaken Downloads are to be posted in the forum from now on. So everyone, make an account on the forum (http://forum.exodicted.net/), if haven’t already.

To post Youtube, Daily Motion, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook Videos:
Go to the post (on the SNS or Streaming Site) where it says 'share' or 'embed'.
Copy that embed code.
Paste it to the "HTML" view of the blogger post.
Download the SNS video and upload it on the blog.

**Credit the original place where you found the information. Whether it be one site, or a culmination of twitter and weibo messages, please state where you found your information to write up articles. Don’t copy articles, write them up. Remember please! >.<
You should sign off as:
Shared/Written/Compiled/Taken/Translated by [Your Name]@EXOdicted.net
I think you will find that the new and updated rules will make you feel that your posts have more feeling and quality, since they’re personally penned by you. So please, everyone, let’s all follow the rules!

You will find the label bar on the right hand side of the post editor. Remember to choose labels EVERY TIME YOU POST. 
A general rule is to only use 3-5 labels per post. It should always include "member name", "type of article", "subject" - - - ex: Kai, Translations, Instagram

Example of a good post with correct tags:

[NEWS] Kai To Film New Drama 'Choco Bank'
labels: Kai, News, Choco Bank, EXO-K

Example of a post with incorrect tags:
[NEWS] Kai To Film New Drama 'Choco Bank'
labels: Kai, Filming, Drama, News, Choco Bank, EXO-K,
  • You don't need to tag it with 'filming', it's obvious in the title.

Example of good post with correct tags:
[TRANS] Baekhyun Instagram Update With Yesung
labels: Baekhyun, Instagram, Update, Translations, EXO-K

Example of a post with  incorrect  or excessive tags:
[TRANS] Baekhyun Instagram Update With Yesung
labels: Baekhyun, Baekstagram, Instagram, Update, EXO-K, Yesung, Super Junior, SJ
*This is a main offender of labels: excessive tags. Or, tags that don't really belong. The purpose of labels is to group everything in smaller (yet large) sub categories. It helps the readers navigate the site easier.
  • Baekstagram is cute and all, but it's not appropriate for the labels.
  • Yesung: he's cute too, but this is an EXO fan site, not a super junior one. If it were a project or a collaboration done with Yesung, it would be okay. But for SNS updates and such things, it's not necessary.

Posts with missing tags:
[TRANS] Lay Weibo Update
labels: Lay, Translations
  • Sure, this could be fine on its own, but it's missing the 'weibo' tag, as well as the 'EXO-M' tag.

General Rules:
-No bashing other groups or SM Entertainment
-No bashing members (current or previous)
-No profanity
-No 18+ content or language

-Don’t post without crediting (if it’s necessary)

Graphics For Theme 2016

[Editorial]: includes all of the below///Make sure to use tag [TYPE OF POST HERE] 160325 XXX....etc. for all editorials.
Weekly Topics
Writer's Note
Weekly Wrap-Up
[Announcement] (only for official announcements approved by the head admin)
[Tutorial] - For tutorials

Fashion Admins:
[Daily Fashion] - for item / brand identifications

Author (or any staff):
[News] (For posts that don't have an image)

[Translation] (for interviews/articles/magazine spreads/etc. Not for SNS updates)
Video Posts

Editor (or Author):
[Translation] (for interviews/articles/magazine spreads/etc. Not for SNS updates)
[Translation Background]

Author (and all of the staff):
[Logo (white) ][Logo (black)] (to put on your screencaps, your own fantaken or fancam that credited under exodicted *usually used by EXD's Daebak Team*)
[Logo (black, non-transparent)]
[EXOdicted's Announcement] (Project Manager or else)

Thanks to Asih for creating these!

Header Images For the EXODUS Theme

Weekly Topics
Writer's Note
Video Posts
Weekly Wrap-Up
Fashion Admins:
Review 1, 2
Daily Fashion
Author (or any staff):
Video Posts
Weekly Wrap-Up
Chinese Netizen View
Editor (or Author):
Translation Background
Author (and all of the staffs):
Translation Post. [Only for the translations without any image]
Logo (to put on your screencaps, your own fantaken or fancam that credited under exodicted *usually used by EXD's Daebak Team*)
EXOdicted's Announcement (Project Manager or else)

designs by Jennifer, Beverly, and Elise (awesome graphic designers!)


1. Logo [Size: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjFLv_ljVJgwCvUU15kii2HJzsMj6zeURZTD66C2-EyeVRcQkHmxLBBThsLLRBuuNnSg1PDVhzjs-IFSWclPjjSdwG2x_3Um4K6zKkGaiB2CMcywoHyFyIj2yTexDrFkWlQO8R_reKwducC/s1600/scoop+pink.png]
Note to Elise: You should make EXD's new logo (just like what you did for last year's theme) remember this? You make both for EXOdicted (Can you make one EXD's round logo too please?^_^) and EXOdictSubs (The standard size and the header on youtube)
2. Header
3. Background
4. Adspace [Example: http://i.imgur.com/2wL3XPr.png - size: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmmpmdSLyAg_Yh4lMZjTz-Yx0ssfMrG0UbKkjhtjEcCyVVC43y4JxZG7G0uzhDzSGwH88-eFr02b2y1wXbQexg5HjR18XsPa57V85YieAN9adUZ_BxoSZylaoDdUnhj9T0-oQQmWsuriJ6/s1600/ad-1.jpg]
5. Writer's Pictures (Discussion. Weekly Topics, Announcement, Writer's Review)
6. Editor & Translator's Picture (Translations Background)
7. Affiliates Banner (Ex: http://www.exodicted.net/p/affiliates-with-us.html)
8. Staff of The Month Picture (Ex: http://www.exodicted.net/2013/06/exodicteds-announement-staff-of-month.html[Just make it like this size: http://i.imgur.com/vvF4Zqr.png]
9. Author's Pictures (Tutorial, English Sub Video, Video/Audio Post, Download Post)
10. Admin's Pictures (Warning Message, Staff, Rules, Donate, About Us)

To put in site purpose.
1. Make pictures for 'Donate to EXOdicted' and 'Enter out forum'
More graphics to be discussed with Forum Team.

1. Logo both for Style and Store (Please discuss this with Elise)
2. Header
3. Background
4. Stylist Admin's Pictures (Fashion Review, Daily Fashion's Picture, Fashion's Tutorial)
5. Making display picture, header and background for Facebook and Twitter

Choose what you want to work for here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xZV-XCwdC7T-O7wZ31OetPjYOg23Tl4u74OZosJZoqk/edit#gid=0


Newsly Theme Graphics

Weekly Topics
Fashion Admins:
Daily Fashion
Editor (or Author):
Translation Background
Author (and all of the staffs):
Translation Post. [Only for the translations without any image]
Logo and much more logo you can choose here. (to put on your screencaps, your own fantaken or fancam that credited under exodicted *usually used by EXD's Daebak Team*)
EXOdicted's Announcement (Project Manager or else)
Video Posts
EXOdictSubs Logo (For Subber)

If you haven't joined on EXOdicted's LINE Group, please add my id: fikaindp and follow exdstaff on twitter.
Every announcement will be posted either LINE Group or Twitter.
Please tell me whats ur username on forum so I can change your user-groups.

Newsly Theme Work

1. Making Logo (you can choose one from Elise' logo) = The size 
2. Adspace (Make the image of 'Put your ads here') so people will put their ads and pay for that!!! = The size is 728x90
3. Background (Make the image that showing something on the right and left side) = the size is 1920x1080
4. Check the html code please ;_;
5. Back to the main site's work list: here

Work for all designer:
1. Making display picture, header and background for Facebook and Twitter
2. Making the EXOdictSubs' logo (the standard size one) and header for youtube

Discuss it with your team and ask your coordinator.. Please tell me if I left something ;___; [I'll update this post!]

Rules for the 2014 Layout Change: The images before posting and some notifications!

Weekly Topics
Fashion Admins:
Daily Fashion
Editor (or Author):
Translation Background
Author (and all of the staffs):
Translation Post. [Only for the translations without any image]
Logo and much more logo you can choose here. (to put on your screencaps, your own fantaken or fancam that credited under exodicted *usually used by EXD's Daebak Team*)
EXOdicted's Announcement (Project Manager or else)
Video Posts
EXOdictSubs Logo (For Subber)

If you haven't joined on EXOdicted's LINE Group, please add my id: fikaindp and follow exdstaff on twitter.
Every announcement will be posted either LINE Group or Twitter.
The Project Manager is just make the new project for EXO, please make sure you help them through donating or promoting

Contact me on @Fikaindp or my LINE.

To Alvin: The links, logo, pics, etc~

Slideshow pics:
1. Staff hiring:
Pic, link
2. Support EXO: Pic, link
3. EXO's Latest Performance: Pic, link
4. EXD's Compilation: Pic, link
5. Stylist Weekly Edition: Pic, link
6. Writer Weekly Edition: Pic, link

1. Logo: pic

The links:

The links for the button I marked in Red, can be seen at the exodicted.net you can just copy the url with same setting and same links, 'EXOdicted', 'EXO', Contact Us. But please add 'Forum' before 'contact us', the url link for our forum is forum.exodicted.net
Please delete the the social networks pic above the button, except the Twitter and Facebook. the url is facebook.com/EXOdicted & twitter.com/EXOdicted
The text I marked with black 'Templateify is awesome...' is changed to 'Join our community forum!' and 'More' is changed to the forum url, forum.exodicted.net
The URL I marked with Pink will be changed to the URL in this pic I marked with Red:
Make sure you designing it very clean and perfect!
Oh and layout sidebar will be setting in the actual blog, so it don't get messed up again ><
You'll work on it after finished all the theme, and we moved the actual blog.
You can add the 'Click to top' button for the additional design.
and also, for the post there's this thing:
Please change the pic to our logo and 'About The Author' will changed to 'About Our Site':
Our site is established in the very first day of EXO's debut, April, 8th. Our blog is managed with 20+ staffs. Our official account: Facebook and Twitter, Our forum: forum.exodicted.net, Contact us bloggeradmin@exodicted.net.

Because you're talented in Web designing, I hope you can add something in the site, maybe some useful button or something you can add for make our site looks so fresh.
Any questions, contact me on line: fikaindp.
OR Twitter, @Fikaindp ^^

Few of the images for posts (Esp. Fashion Admins and Writer)

Weekly Topics
Fashion Admins:
Daily Fashion
Editor (or Author):
Translation Background
Author (and all of the staffs):
Translation Post. [Only for the translations without any image]
Logo: 1, 2, 3

(to put on your screencaps, your own fantaken or fancam that credited under exodicted *usually used by EXD's Daebak Team*)
EXOdicted's Announcement (Project Manager or else)
Video Posts

We need to talk.

What's your favorite song from "The War"?
